It is that time of year again when the psychic and mystic fairs come into full swing. On Sunday August 21st , 2022 I will be offering craniosacral therapy sessions, divination, cord cuttings, and shamanic services at the Ramanda Inn in Augusta, Maine. On August 27th, 2022 there is another mystic fair at the Armory in Augusta. On September 18, I will be at the Fairfield Community Center 61 Water street offering services in the Mind Body Spirit Festival and on October 16 I will be at the Hilton Garden and Inn for that Mind Body Spirit Festival. My Reiki and Energy flow class starts on October 12, 2022 at 5:30pm, through the Fairfield Adult Ed, call now 207-453-4200 to register. And once again I will be teaching yoga via the Fairfield Adult education on Wednesdays at 4pm. Call to sign up as it getting full fast.