In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy a light touch is used to feel into and examine the membranes, movement of fluids around the central nervous system and throughout the body. This relieves tension in the central nervous system and promotes a feeling of well-being by reducing or eliminating pain, improving health and the immune system. From the place of wholeness the body is guided to resolve physical or emotional trauma and can access deep states of relaxation and healing. Craniosacral therapy is a form of body work that helps bring relief to chronic painful conditions such as in the neck, joints, spine, fascia, and organs. It can also reduce the side effects of disease. In Craniosacral therapy the focus for the clinician is to have a light as a feather touch and hold a spaciousness like that of the ocean to assist the body in it’s own inherent healing mechanisms. This therapy can be used successfully with infants, children and adults.

Healing Hands

Healing Hands

Conditions that Craniosacral Therapy may help:

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Sleep Difficulties

Temporo-mandibular joint syndrome -TMJ -Jaw tension

back pain

Concussions and Migraine headaches

Chronic Pain

Digestive Disorders

Physical and Emotional Traumas

Stress and Nervous system issues


Women’s Health concerns

Prenatal and infant care

Colicky Babies and children with Autism and Anxiety, ADHD

Mental health conditions for children, teen and adults like ADHD, Anxiety and PTSD

recovery from surgical procedures

and to promote overall health, healing and well being

Waves and the Breath of Life